Swtor Augmentation Slot Component Mk-1

Augmentation Slot Component MK-6, x 10; Durasteel x2; Thermoplast Flux x2; Zal Alloy x2; Credits and materials needed for the Synthweaving skill are as follows: MK-1 requires 1,000 credits and Augmentation Slot Component MK-1, x 10; Rubat Crystal x2; MK-2 requires 2,500 credits and Augmentation Slot Component MK-2, x 10; Fibrous Nylite Solution. Here is my guide on making augment kits. The other guide someone made was 14 min long. BOOM this is straight to the point and under 5 min! You are a Armortech, you craft green lvl 10-16 belts, you RE said belts to get the Augmentation Slot Component MK-1, along with some other mats that you would recieve before 1.3( e.g. Sorry if it sounds condencending, I'm not trying to (which I realized I did after reading my post), just trying to lay it out clearly.

Augmentation Kit MK-1

Used to install Augmentation Slot MK-1 at any Item Modification Station.

Augmentation Kit MK-1 is a Premium-quality Augmentation Kit. It can be created by player characters trained in the Armormech, Armstech, or SynthweavingCrew Skills.

  • 1Source
Swtor Augmentation Slot Component Mk-1

Swtor Augmentation Slot Component Mk-11

Source[edit edit source]

Production crew skills[edit edit source]

Augmentation Kit MK-1 is a player-created item. It can be produced by characters trained in the Armormech, Armstech, or Synthweaving Crew Skills.

Armormech/Armstech Components

  • Desh x2
  • Augmentation Slot Component MK-1 x10
Synthweaving Components

  • Rubat Crystal x2
  • Augmentation Slot Component MK-1 x10
Schematic source
The schematic used to create Augmentation Kit MK-1 can be obtained from Armormech, Armstech, and Synthweaving Crew Skill trainers once a character has attained a rating of 1 or more in any of the three Crew Skills.
Swtor augmentation slot component mk-11
  • Primary articles: Armormech/Trainers, Armstech/Trainers, Synthweaving/Trainers

Swtor augmentation slot component mk-10

Swtor Augmentation Slot Component Mk-10

Related articles[edit edit source]

Swtor Augmentation Slot Component Mk-10

External links[edit edit source]

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Swtor Augmentation Slot Component Mk-1Mk-1
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