Pros And Cons Of Legalising Gambling In India

The dispute and wars on drugs have become an American Political icon of the United States. The Government’s quest in order to prohibit the acquisition of various drugs that were made illegal. Those drugs became strongly criminalized in the 1970s and standardized sentencing in the 1980s and 1990s made long prison sentences for the mere act of possessing those drugs. Therefore, an effort to decriminalize these drugs has become a point of emphasis for some.

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Light medicines are often substances that can be equally decent and unfavourable, both. They are substances that have the capability to become both of those favourable to mankind as well as dangerous to it.

Without a doubt they are just synthetic substances that are produced from organic and natural plant and consist of considerably less harmful effects on human bodies when taken, the degree to which a psychoactive of these light-weight drugs are destructive into the consumer is comparatively reduced.

Pros and cons of legalizing drugs:

Pros of legalizing drugs

It can support lower the addiction rates and substance abuse rates:

Portugal has supported the decriminalization of drugs for more than a decade. What they have discovered since the time they made this effort is that not only do addiction rates to the once illegal drugs go down, but so do the substance abuse rates.


Because those that do have an addiction or substance abuse issues are not jailed, but treated, the costs of treatment are typically lower and there are higher rates of recovery.

It encourages people to remain within society:

Even when there is a drug problem that must be treated, treatment programs for drug use can encourage people to remain a productive member of society. When drug use has been penalized with the various criminal statutes, it becomes more difficult for the individuals out there who take drugs for finding meaningful employment.

Pros And Cons Of Legalising Gambling In India Government

It is much easier for them to find a job when there is no any a felony on your record due to your possession of a drug that was deemed to be illegal.

It changes how the society sees people:

When drug use is illegal, a counter-culture emerges that celebrates and encourages the use of it. When it is legalized, that actually counter-culture and starts to disappear. Non-drug users are not as fast to condemn others.

Addiction can be treated more like a disease rather than being treated like a legal problem. People become themselves once again without various different classes of superiority assigned by the general population out there to what drugs people use or why they use those drugs.

It allows the criminal justice system to emphasize on what it does best:

The criminal justice system was not actually designed to be a system that treats the addicts. It was designed to be a system that basically uses courts for keeping the general population free from any harm.

Although the goal of creating the laws against the drug consumption to stop people from possessing potentially harmful substances is a worthy goal, that mandate would be better fulfilled by the counselors out there, treatment facilities, and other forms of infrastructures.

Decriminalization isn’t the same as legalization.

In the U.S, several states have legalized the process of acquiring marijuana for recreational purposes. The federal guidelines that were signed by the Obama administration were an effort for decriminalizing marijuana possession in those states without violating all the laws for everyone else. There is no any slippery slope in place here.

Decriminalizing drug use does not actually make it legal. It just takes the legal penalties away from at-risk individuals. Selling and distributing the drugs would still remain a criminal offense.

It could reduce societal violence:

In the year 1989, 7.4% of homicides in the U.S were considered to be drug-related. In the year 2007, 3.9% of homicides were classified in the same way.

At the same time, the homicide rate in the U.S. had dropped from just under 19,000 cases in 1989 to just under 15,000 cases by 2007. As laws have been loosened and certain activities got decriminalized, violent conduct has been also reduced.

Cons of Drug legalization:

Pros And Cons Of Legalising Gambling In India Today

It may encourage experimentation:

Some individuals may also have a genetic disposition towards the drug use and addiction. Allowing those people for having open access to whatever drug they wish to consume could make an atmosphere where the experimentation is encouraged.

If there are no laws in place that would prevent them from having whatever drugs they wish to acquire and it could eventually create more health problems for certain individuals – even with greater access to the treatment.

It would reduce prices.


When there is no legal barrier in place to prevent access to drugs, the system of a free market takes over for the industry. That means there is a greater supply of the drugs available, which could lower the prices.

If pricing is a barrier to the entry or the experimentation for some individuals out there, then decriminalization or legalization of drugs would encourage them to try something when they would not have done so otherwise.

Pros And Cons Of Legalising Gambling In Indiana

Treatment infrastructures are not present:

Pros And Cons Of Legalising Gambling In India

Pros And Cons Of Legalising Gambling In India Currency

Although the costs would be reduced, yet, the cost of treating addictions in the general population would go up. The current infrastructure may not support the added number of individuals who would seek help.

That would mean higher expenses would come in the form of building assets and training more counsellors for handling the needs of the society. Depending upon how this was implemented, the expenses could be higher than they are under the present structure.

Decriminalization can lead to legalization:

Although the intention or the goal may not be to legalize drugs with a decriminalization effort, there is always the potential that this might happen. For some drugs, legalization can provide tax benefits along with various treatment opportunities.

For strong drugs, the benefits of decriminalizing its use could be less than the risks to society that these drugs cause. Strong drugs can cause behavioural changes that may lead to violence.

Safety problems could become worse instead of better.

Pros And Cons Of Legalising Gambling In India

Even when the safe centers are placed in areas of high drug consumption, the individuals may still choose to take the drugs in the non-safe locations. Increased access to injectable drugs could result in more severe health risks for exposure in public locations.

People who have taken drugs and then drive to somewhere, the public is at risk as well, just as if the person had drunk alcohol and driving.

Non- violence causes dangers to the society:

The disadvantage that comes along with the legalization of drugs is that there are non-violent dangers to the society that would be likely to increase. In the communities out there that are struggling with the use of heroin, used needles are often left in the parks and the other spaces. This risk produces a disease and injury risk to anyone in that area, and especially the children.

These pros and cons of the legalization of drugs suggest that the benefits could be something that other nations may experience as well. Because drugs can be potentially harmful or be the cause of violent behaviour, there must be some strict controls placed upon the use of these kinds of substances.

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